A Prayer For The Girl Who Battles Depression

In all honesty, I used to think depression was a choice. Instead of deciding to be dark, twisty, and gloomy, why not be uplifting and positive? I realized how mistaken I was about mental illness until I walked through a season of depression myself!

During my sophomore year of college, I found myself anxious about every area of life. While serving in a stressful ministry, I navigated tension with a close friend and lost a dear family friend. Life flooded my heart with sadness, heartache, and grief. Yet, at the same time, I felt incredibly numb. 

My depression first affected my daily routine. My life consisted of waking up, going to school/work, and eating lunch. Then, I repeated the process in the afternoon, coming home, wolfing dinner, and sleeping the rest of the night. I often overslept and overate and over-reacted to the people around me. It was an incredibly isolating and sadly suffocating season of life. In these moments, I did not know what I know now: I was struggling with depression.

It wasn’t until my sweet family and friends nudged me to go to a doctor that I began to seek help. But I’m so glad I did! Through medication and counseling, I found physical healing. I found freedom in what seemed like a very hopeless time in my life. 

If my story of depression feels oddly familiar, I hope that you don’t suffer silently. Whether you experience this yourself or know someone else who does, I pray that anyone struggling with depression can get the help and freedom they need. Therefore, here are three things that I hope encourage you as you navigate seasons of sadness.


As I mentioned earlier, I was clueless about what depression actually was. Therefore, I missed many warning signs my body was trying to tell me. Here are some ways depression can emotionally, physically, and spiritually affect us:


  • Deep sadness, with or without reason

  • Unexplainable bursts of tears

  • Frustration, anger, or irritation over small things

  • Feeling completely empty, raw, and hopeless

  • Loss of interest in things you once loved or enjoyed

  • Thoughts feel foggy, resulting in a lack of concentration

  • Conflict and drama with friends or family

  • Low self-esteem

  • Life seems meaningless

  • Thoughts of death, dying, or suicide


  • Tired A L L of the time/having no energy

  • Unable to sleep or sleep too much

  • Changes in appetite--not eating enough or overeating

  • Unexplained body and headaches

  • Not wanting to hang out with friends

  • Lower grades than usual*


  • Shame for not experiencing joy in Christ

  • Frustration with not being able to shake the numbness

  • Feeling defeated for not “praying away” your sadness or situation

  • Pulling away from community, church, or Christ

  • Difficulty thanking or praising God for blessings in your life

  • Experiencing hopelessness

Depression is not a one-size-fits-all mental illness. It takes different forms in those who battle it. Therefore, realizing how you specifically react while depressed helps you find health and healing sooner! 


If you think you are struggling with depression, now is the time to talk to your parents or a trusted adult. You might not always have the right words to describe your thoughts or feelings, but your loved ones want you to be physically and emotionally healthy. It might be scary to tell someone you struggle with sadness, suicide ideation, or hopelessness. But secrecy won’t heal your sickness. Be bold and tell someone about your feelings today! 


Scripture is God’s gift to us. It is the story of His redemption, love, and grace. It describes the character of God and tells us how to walk in a right relationship with Him. Truth is truth, regardless of our feelings. However, though depression affects our emotions, it is an actual illness that needs medical attention. Scripture can’t make depression disappear. Think of it this way: We wouldn’t tell a cancer patient only to read God’s Word as a source of treatment.

In seasons of depression, we must remind ourselves of the truth when our emotions are unreliable. King David often said throughout Psalms: “Why my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11). Speak truth over yourself, especially when you don’t feel it’s true.

Trusting Jesus doesn’t treat our Depression, but it reminds us that our God is in control! He is our Living Hope in situations that feel hopeless.


If you are struggling with depression, know you are not alone! Our team is praying this over you today:

“Lord, we pray for anyone struggling with depression today. We ask you help her see the warning signs or symptoms of her depression, so she may find the help she needs. Jesus, give her boldness to tell someone today about the depression she faces. May she not let unnecessary pride, shame, or embarrassment hold her back from speaking out about her pain. Give her the bravery and the transparency to share the numbness she feels. Jesus, in your name, we pray she will be received with love and comfort as she opens up about her inner battle of depression. Provide the right doctors, counselors, and therapists who will help her with healing. Jesus, we pray you will give her comfort in your Word, helping her to trust you—even when her feelings and faith seem out of whack. Help her remember how much You love her. Amen!” 

Depression dictated a portion of my life, but it doesn’t define me. And it doesn’t have to define you either. Invite others into your journey while trusting God throughout your road to health, friend!

Sources and Resources 


Megan Gover is the executive director of Minted Truth, an online Bible study resource of middle school and high school girls. When she’s not meeting with teen girls at a local coffee shop or dreaming up a new adventure, she enjoys cuddling with her Goldendoodle pup while at home in North Texas. Connect with her on Instagram!


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